Progress: Recognizing I am the Tortoise, not the Hare

On one hand, I feel like this was a slow week in terms of the blog and all that making it happen stuff. Yet on the other hand, considering this is all new to me, perhaps I should just take the wins where they are.
Blogging Week One
Accomplished List:
- Created accounts on several social media channels
- Get a Google Analytics account setup and working
- Write a few more posts
- Create a graphic for a post that is ridiculously wonky
- Add to every growing list of post ideas
- Research how other bloggers monetize their blogs
- Determine if/how/when to monetize blog
- Setup, or attempt to set up, two affiliates accounts for my favorite retailers to see what is all involved
- During this first week, I was inundated with phone calls, text messages and emails soliciting design/website/SEO services during the first four or so day.
- After some Googling, it was clear that one: I did not set the privacy settings to match my preference and two, that the privacy add-on I purchased during setup, was a not actually setup and functioning for my site/domain.
- Used Blue Host support to get the privacy add-on functioning. It was an e-chat service that was a bit slow back in forth for timing, but they were able to help me and get this resolved within an hour.
- Draft a disclosure/privacy page
- Review every growing list of post ideas and realize that I have not even written one out in several days
- Peek at Google Analytics and realize that you literally are the only viewer because you have not promoted or shared your blog with anyone, anywhere.
- Writing down ideas for future writing is fun, but perhaps it is time I got down to the actual writing part. Is that too many “writings” in one sentence? YESSS!
- Ask and answer questions written to yourself about writing
- Call it a day because, clearly, exhaustion has won
I love the blog so far. Keep it up!